Friday, June 26, 2015

Just the facts : Dove and Hawk

Dove and Hawk - D.C. comics - 1968 - sadly this is not about that.

It's about past and future.

Now if a planet is in " relative " close proximity - to a black hole it would
be - "relatively" in the future of those planets far away from the black hole,
accounting for the time dilation effects of that black hole.  As far as I
can tell this represents a time-space defect event, and what is the limiting
case of time-space defect events?  It seems like it might be, the
" Big Bang "?

> the point at which " time " begins or is it the point at
which non-time ends?

If the black hole begins to move away from that planet - then -
time contracts - and that planet would be moving from the "relative"
future - of it's distant neighbors - towards their  " relative " past.
That planet should have a name - maybe Rhat?

Ain't - no one's - distant relatives -- mainly from the past or future ?

Sorry, I'm having one of those nasty - dark energy moments.



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