Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Memory - Khidr

"If Khidr did wreck the vessel on the sea,
Yet in this wrong there are a thousand

Jalalu'd-Din Rumi(1207-1273) A.D.

There is more to this story I am sure -----

Because it is about traveling in infinite space.

How can one ever travel in infinite space - realiably -

when the destination even is " unknown ". Able to

travel that distance? You would always wish to have

a lense of some type I am sure ......

Anyway - the very simple point is you have to

" RESPECT " the infra structure because -----

it is there. The reason is simple and is as follows:

Love and gravity are really closely related - as to

there physical nature. They both involve energy -

they both involve transformations, they both involve

both creation and destruction for in both --- Forces ---

as you my call them --- things/objects --- are set into

motion. And essentially everything in creation conforms

to them ----- and in a construct as substational as ' reality '

of whatever category - then making distinctions between

them can infact be difficult - However they both involve

important connection to the structure / infrastructures

which are both space and time ----- which we always

" assume " to be of uniform quality - but in fact as we

all readily admit - is false.

So one should able to admit that all travel of what

ever nature is through " infinite space " of whatever

type and therefore " inifinite space " is not necessarily

very far away.

Time and consciousness

This of course is the bold subject -

the one on which many minds are now

focused and the complete story of which

will probably never be completely closed -

one reason for which is that it connects to

both our spiritual nature and our "scientific"

nature which although essentially of the

same fabric they have different institutions.

Of course the simple truth is that looking at,

listening to, and relating with all

the heavenly bodies - of what ever form is

a compelling behavior. But all these things

are reflected back into us and we into them.

So how exactly does one go about having a firm

footing on this threshold?

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Therefore, pretty much as a conclusion we know that time

pretty much defines - the arena in which we live and that

time is perceived in all different ways - we know about time

because of the motion of the heavenly bodies and we determine

their nature based on our concept of what it is we got from

them... Now of course who gets to decide finally who is right

and who is wrong on this subject ???? As if surely there could

even be a right or wrong the the subject. The essence and

value to the thought and the conversation is that they lead to

the subject of thought and the conversation. And this is got

because it leads to the permanence and stability of those

who become involved in the thought and who become involved

in the conversation. And most especially it relates to the idea

of permanence and stability which is so important for life.

Therefore the question of time or the answer of time are

indelibly connected to our being and how we develop

in that being.

Monday, May 16, 2005

interplanetary logo
Posted by Hello


Posted by Hello

Time and the stars

So a ray of light - from the murky mist of time - shines out -

and begins to travel - through " empty space " - like that

ray of light will last for ?????/ how long /?????

So change the scenario - say this is an arbitrary vibration -

- it begins - and at what point does that vibration end ????

Like let's say the vibration begins and " ends " in 8 seconds.

What ever that radius would be, the end results - is that

almost never happens to us in our daily routines of life -

However, micro-waves work like that too.

But here's a really interesting question - if you look at it

like a reflection back from the future --- you could imagine

that instead of projecting the vibration the vibration was

being caught.....

Why do all the stars look the same ????

Generally speaking when you talk about a star ....

it's a distant object ....

clearly all objects at a distance look alike ...

but all of the of the stars as like most objects

have some uniqueness within or around them ...

simple objects -- or consider complex objects ....

Therefore one would begin to suspect that the

boundary between the simple and the complex

would be something like ---- well say something

like the flow of time through nature ....