Memory - Khidr
"If Khidr did wreck the vessel on the sea,Yet in this wrong there are a thousand
Jalalu'd-Din Rumi(1207-1273) A.D.
There is more to this story I am sure -----
Because it is about traveling in infinite space.
How can one ever travel in infinite space - realiably -
when the destination even is " unknown ". Able to
travel that distance? You would always wish to have
a lense of some type I am sure ......
Anyway - the very simple point is you have to
" RESPECT " the infra structure because -----
it is there. The reason is simple and is as follows:
Love and gravity are really closely related - as to
there physical nature. They both involve energy -
they both involve transformations, they both involve
both creation and destruction for in both --- Forces ---
as you my call them --- things/objects --- are set into
motion. And essentially everything in creation conforms
to them ----- and in a construct as substational as ' reality '
of whatever category - then making distinctions between
them can infact be difficult - However they both involve
important connection to the structure / infrastructures
which are both space and time ----- which we always
" assume " to be of uniform quality - but in fact as we
all readily admit - is false.
So one should able to admit that all travel of what
ever nature is through " infinite space " of whatever
type and therefore " inifinite space " is not necessarily
very far away.
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