Friday, July 19, 2019

Penrose cyclic universe.

The following are some links relating to Penrose cosmology including
one from stardrive. 

physicsworld. new-evidence-for-cyclic-universe-claimed-by-roger-penrose-and-colleagues/ Conformal_cyclic_cosmology /2010/12/07 penroses-cyclic-cosmology/ if-roger-penroses-cosmology-is-right-mine-is-wrong-and-vice-versa

fiftieth anniversary moon landing

The following links to nasa fiftieth anniversary of moon landing.
I don't have a recollection of walking on the moon however, if I did
I won't admit that.   My recollection has to do with wild strawberry.
I will concede the moon is currently waning gibbous.

apollo 50th