Saturday, July 23, 2005

Consciousness, order, and mathematics

I think that many people would agree that consciousness
is related to order and organization in some way. That
there is a link. The simplicity of that our conscious mind
is constantly trying to create patterns or cues which
helps us perform all those functions in our lives - familiar
or new. It may or not be clear that order is related
to mathematics - but certainly the idea of order is central
in the way mathematical systems are constructed at
various levels. And so in this way one might conclude
that consciousness and mathematics are related - if not
in a necessary way then at least in the sense that they
are both related to order.


At 6:41 PM, Blogger historymike said...

Fascinating thoughts on your blog.

I am intigued by the mathematical possibilities of understanding consciousness. Perhaps chaos theory may one day give us the ability to define consciousness.

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Marc Bellario said...

Consciouness - is the interaction
of two type of fields which can be
considered mathematically. These
fields types are the tensor field --- and the vector field ....


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