Happy Monday
A close friend and compatriot published his first book which you will find
at the following link - which goes to Amazon.
Now, I haven't read this current version - but I know a bit about the story,
which is interesting, and gives a person a bit larger perspective of the world,
and things, I thought, at the time I was reading it.
Okay the actual name is ___>
The Road to Huahine Goes Straight Through Haight-Ashbury
but I had to search by Don Holte on Amazon.
For example, about enlarging perspective, take Haight-Ashbury.
The hyphen I mean, it's two different streets. See?
Also note that Huahine is part of what people call Tahiti and is in the
Pacific Ocean. And just so you know you really don't have to
go to Haight-Ashbury to get to Huahine, and some people are born
Pacific Ocean. And just so you know you really don't have to
go to Haight-Ashbury to get to Huahine, and some people are born
Anyway, there is only a kindle version, which I got on kindle cloud ---
and you know --- nobody understands the cloud. Get the book and
maybe you'll be able to figure it out.
Also, when I finish reading this version I am sure I will have something
to say on another blog --- most likely ----
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